Elon Musk’s Behavior Sparks Concerns and Turmoil Within Tesla and SpaceX, Wall Street Journal Investigation Reveals”

Elon Musk's Rockstar Image Takes a Hit: Wall Street Journal Exposes Concerns Over Drug Use and Erratic Behavior at Tesla and SpaceX"

Elon Musk’s Troubles: Wall Street Journal Dishes on Tesla and SpaceX Turmoil Amidst Drug Use Concerns

Elon Musk’s eccentric way of behaving and claimed drug use are causing a great deal of contention inside his own organizations, SpaceX and Tesla, and bringing up issues about the very rich person’s initiative, as indicated by a Wall Street Journal report

The story starts with previous Tesla chief Linda Johnson Rice choosing not to look for public office again in 2019. The Diary asserts that concerns have been raised over Musk’s unlawful utilization of substances including cocaine, happiness, LSD, and ketamine. It appears that Rice had brought up these worries with other board members, including suggesting that Musk’s drug use be investigated. Sadly, her concerns went unanswered..

The article goes on to detail the executives at SpaceX and Tesla’s continuous battle with Musk’s unpredictable conduct and suspected drug usage. It’s similar to getting a behind-the-scenes look at the drama involved in overseeing one of the biggest names in technology today.

At SpaceX, the tension escalates when Musk arrives fashionably late for an all-hands meeting, leaving executives to wonder if he’s been high on something. The Journal paints a vivid picture of Musk’s incoherent rambling for 15 minutes, prompting SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell to take the reins and save the day. The entire incident was allegedly called “nonsensical,” “unhinged,” and even “cringeworthy” by executives.”

Elon Musk's Behavior Sparks Concerns and Turmoil Within Tesla and SpaceX, Wall Street Journal Investigation Reveals
Elon Musk’s Behavior Sparks Concerns and Turmoil Within Tesla and SpaceX, Wall Street Journal Investigation Reveals

The Journal’s in-depth analysis puts Musk’s drug-related mishaps—including those involving LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine—front and center. Furthermore, the possible impact of Musk’s actions might have major ramifications for SpaceX, where government contracts and federal rules are at stake. These are not merely personal concerns. According to the analysis, there might be a danger to over $1 trillion in assets, 13,000 employment, and the survival of the US space program as a whole, Talk about high stakes!

While the report paints a vivid picture of internal concerns, Musk’s reps have yet to hit back with a response to Business Insider’s requests for comments.

And let’s not forget the déjà vu moment from Musk’s tweet fiasco in 2018, claiming he had “funding secured” to take Tesla private at $420 a share. That stunt triggered an SEC investigation and a hefty $40 million fine, but Musk wasn’t admitting any wrongdoing.

As Musk navigates the murky waters of public scrutiny, even NASA got involved after he smoked a joint on Joe Rogan’s podcast. The fallout? SpaceX employees had to go through drug tests for a year, and the company had to cough up $5 million for training to follow federal guidelines on drug use. Ouch.

Despite Musk’s attorney, Alex Spiro, dismissing The Journal’s take on the SpaceX meeting as “false,” the report brings to light the ripple effect of Musk’s alleged drug use across his companies. SpaceX even amped up security, bringing in drug-sniffing dogs to tackle the issue head-on.

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