How to Look Geminid Meteor Shower | HALLEY’S COMET

Meteor Shower | Winter Solstice 2023

A Meteor shower lights up the sky in Hawke’Bay and all over the country on the night of Tuesday, but the cloudy weather may spoil the Geminid Meteor Shower. Comet 46p/Wirtanen ejected dust before and caused a meteor shower to be shown in the sky. This dust storm is approaching the Earth, and a Meteor shower appears, a rare thing to see in the sky. Everyone is keen to see this show. At midnight, a Meteor shower will be set up in the sky. In the country, most regions have cloudy forecasts, and stargazers are waiting for this moment and hoping for clear skies to enjoy the show.
The clearest skies will be in the ( bay of Plenty), which provides the country’s best view and vantage point.

Astronomy expert on Comet Wirtanen

Astronomy expert Hawke’s Bay Gary Sparks said, “It is the best and rare event to take place in New Zealand and the best place to see. We are here at the right place to see it at the right time.” He also described the Meteor shower phenomena. The Meteor showers shown in the skies were caused by Comets part, which make dust trails.

“He told the reason behind dust particles emitting: “Earth is revolving in his orbit at 100,000km/h, every year when Earth passes through Comet’s trail of dust at the same time, we see the lighting show, Meteor shower is rare and unique, only one event in the world, what is the cause of this phenomena which take place in universe, Comet is the main cause of it, when Wirtanen passes, a trail of dust has Left behind and when Jupiter passes two times in orbit. This caused Comet to become in the clump of dust.”

That clump makes its path in Earth’s orbit and hits Earth’s atmosphere on the night of Tuesday.
The clump will disappear after one pass, and we are going through it, and after that, everything is finished. He said,

“There was no change in Earth’s atmosphere, no danger for the planet. Meteor showers would be shown for two or three hours, and people should wait to watch.”
Meteor Shower, 80 USA NEWS.

Instructions for Stargazers

Spark also said that

“The coastal area of the country is best for watch and less polluted areas also, the cloudy skies have ruined the event, the top of Te Mata Peak is the best location for watching Meteor shower.” “If there are clear skies for a couple of hours, I intend to go out on the lawn and stand on my chair to see this moment. I hope it will be good ahead.”

MetService’s Lewis Ferris said that”the weather is not good to see Meteor shower, cloudy skies widespread across the country, a wind south-westerly blowing was caused more cloud and rain, on Hawke’s Bay at Meteor shower show time, at nightfall increase in cloudy weather but short break in cloudy weather to see beautiful show, to watch Meteor shower, the region Bay of Plenty would be best and that spot is would be clear to view the Meteor shower, at the Te Mata Peak, park your car near the gates and walk to the top of peak in night.

How to Look at Meteor Shower?

Meteorites look like Earth rock but burn on the outer side, and they can be shiny surfaces on the exterior. When passing through the atmosphere, its outer surface melts.

Meteorites have three main types: the ‘irons’ and stony-irons, the “stony.” the meteorites that fall on Earth are primarily is easier to make a difference between Earth rock and stony Meteorites Geminids; they are heavier than Earth rock.

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