Forza Motorsport’s Revamped Ride: Turn 10 Promises Overhauls and Upgrades in 2024

Behind the Wheel: Turn 10 Studios Takes a Pit Stop to Address Forza Fans' Concerns

Turn 10 Unveils Plans to Tackle Forza Motorsport’s Top Player Grievances

Turn 10 Studios has just dropped a heart-to-heart about Forza Motorsport, addressing some of the burning issues that have been grinding our gears since the game hit the tracks in 2023.

Forza Motorsport’s Revamped Ride: Turn 10 Promises Overhauls and Upgrades in 2024

In a recent post on the Forza website, game director Andy Beaudoin, creative maestro Chris Esaki, and the mastermind behind the scenes, executive producer Trevor Laupmanis, shared their thoughts, acknowledging the frustrations and promising to rev things up in 2024.

First on the pit stop – the car progression system.. Yes, as everyone knows, the relationship has been a little love/hate. Spending hours unlocking upgrades for each car? Not everyone’s idea of a good time. The team’s on it, though, promising changes to make it less of a grind while keeping the essence of what makes Forza, well, Forza.

Forza Motorsport’s Revamped Ride: Turn 10 Promises Overhauls and Upgrades in 2024

Then there’s the Forza Race Regulations – a bit like navigating a tricky turn, right? The devs admit it’s been a bit wonky, with penalties behaving like a glitchy AI driver. They’re teaming up with some seasoned competitive Motorsport players to fine-tune the system and give us a smoother ride.

And let’s talk AI, or as some might say, the unpredictable rival on the track. It seems they didn’t get the memo about flexible racing lines. Turn 10 promises to tweak the AI behavior, tone down the aggressiveness, and make that race start a bit less chaotic.

But, and it’s a big but, the team wants to be real with us – changes take time. They’re not just slapping on some quick fixes, they’re digging deep to evaluate options and testing thoroughly before releasing anything.

Now, this is interesting. The community has hit the forums, Reddit, and wherever else they can vent. Some folks are calling it a “yap session,” wanting more than just promises. “No roadmap, no progress update,” they say.

Others are feeling left out in the cold, with the single-player mode getting little love in the conversation. “The lackluster career mode killed this game for me,” one player laments.

So, as we ride through the twists and turns of Forza Motorsport’s journey, it is clear the team is listening. They have heard our gripes and they are working on it. Here’s hoping the next update brings some smooth shifts and upgrades we can all get behind. Stay tuned, racers!

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